1FIFFY8.ZIP 2,806,181 07-21-95 REoL Tough Grand Finale 4 Doom 1 Castle ofthe Damned! This is the moment the worldhas been waiting for! New sounds, sprites,graphics! A full 9 level episode! A castlewas taken over, now you have to flush outthe demons
2FIFFY4.ZIP 241,408 07-26-95 REoL Tough 2: Euthanasia MAP01 replacementfor Doom II! Cyber-Demons are angry for howyou treat them, so they bring you to theirworld, where you're easy prey for manyCyber-Demons!
2MANFRAG.ZIP 14,696 09-15-95 GREAT new 2 man DeathMatch wad for Doom II!
2SPOOK32.ZIP 481,435 08-14-95 Doom WAD. 24 small DeathMatch WADs.
2_AND_2.ZIP 142,707 07-21-95 4-level WAD file for Doom II. The first twolevels are fairly easy, but the 3rd and 4thlevels require a lot of Doom-skills.
30WADS1.ZIP 376,573 08-01-95 30 small DeathMatch WADs.
4_TOUGH.ZIP 110,870 07-22-95 Four difficult levels for Doom II. You willhave a lot of weapons and ammo, but inorder to stay alive you will need to spendthem all!
ACETEST.ZIP 12,514 08-04-95 AceDoom. This is only a Demo file.
ACID2.ZIP 144,045 08-03-95 Doom II WAD. Fast-mindless Killin'. Doom2DeathMatch.
ALLPSYCO.ZIP 65,581 09-09-95 The complete Psycho RTL gallery!
ARENAS2.ZIP 212,956 09-07-95 4 awesome Doom II DeathMatch WADs. Withover 100 hours of Deathmatch testing. Newsounds, graphics and textures!
AW_HECK.ZIP 47,600 07-09-95 Single player-only WAD for Doom II. If youlike your fighting upclose and personal,this is for you. Not an especiallydifficult level, but moving in too quickcould lead to an early death.
BEAST3.ZIP 15,810 07-14-95 Beast - Doom II Death Match WAD that hasBLOOD every where! It's great with co-op:You against the world! Kill all! Everydemon known to man and all weapons areintact.
BEHIND.ZIP 21,518 07-14-95 Ultra-hard WAD for those Doom Players whowant a real Battle. Not Deathmatchcompatible. Cooperative for up to twoplayers.
BOOGERSD.ZIP 100,343 07-18-95 Boogers, a single player WAD for Doom 1.You are the last survivor on a marinetransport and must go down on the planetsurface.
BYSTCVE2.ZIP 24,868 08-06-95 Doom 2 Beast's Cave 2. Three tunnelsconnected to each other. (Short and Sweet!)Secret areas overlooking the tunnels. Twodark areas holding the BFG and Plasma Rifle.
CD_1A.ZIP 106,812 07-06-95 First in a new series of DeathMatch WADswith no doors or secret walls. Great arenatype layout with lots of weapons/ammo.
CD_2.ZIP 141,515 07-05-95 Second in a new series of DeathMatch WADswith no doors or secret walls. Great arenatype layout with lots of weapons/ammo.
COOL_WAD.ZIP 51,008 08-07-95 My WAD: for Doom II. Very different type oflevel, based on the floor plan of a realhouse. Has furniture that you can walkover, firepaces with fire, bathtubs,shower, and many other neat things.
COTDTOD2.ZIP 330,820 07-19-95 City of the Damned for D2. Toolkit convertsCOTD to Doom 2! If all of you REOL fanswant to put COTD into Doom 2, heres yourchance! It converts everything! Even addssome of the D2 monsters!
CYBERJOE.ZIP 15,566 08-12-95 Doom2 DeathMatch WAD. One big room, withyou and a cyber deamon in it! Pump up thedifficulty to add more. Works well withdeathmatch and co-op.
CYBIE.ZIP 18,317 07-30-95 Cyberdemon only level, yes it can be won.This is the first of a series of Cyberdemononly WAD files.
D2DMPAK2.ZIP 302,964 07-13-95 Doom II DeathMatch Pack. 10 deathmatchlevels that are great for 2-4 players.
DAMN1.ZIP 153,786 07-17-95 Damnation Alley. Awesome new 'city'deathmatch level for Doom II. Features awide variety of multi-level buildings andlocations in a spacious outdoor setting.Lots of unique, interesting, and detailedarchitecture.
DANZIG2.ZIP 121,836 09-12-95 Danzig series 5 levels.
DBUNNY.ZIP 9,965 09-08-95 It's cool, it's hip, and the graphics rock!It's the new RABBIT FOOT Doom patch! Thisadd-on replaces the BFG 9000 balls withhighly explosive rabbits' feet! Coolexploding sequence too!
DCK20A.ZIP 361,024 07-04-95 DCK 20 Beta.
DEADPOOL.ZIP 135,050 08-06-95 Deathmatch for Doom II. Great lookingcourtyard, with a small pool you have tojump into to get the BFG, Hold your breath,splash!
DEATHRM.ZIP 3,741 07-03-95 Custom made Doom level using Doom-Cad v4.3.64 troopers in this simple 1 room level.
DEEP730S.ZIP 793,666 07-26-95 Deep v7.30. Doom Enhanced Editor Programfor editing Doom and Doom II.
DEHDUMB.ZIP 4,322 07-22-95 Dehacked for Dummies is the best way to getaround Dehacked. Gives you info oneverything you need to know and ways to newweapons and even the new Doom EDIT PACK.
DELTA.ZIP 2,204,324 08-20-95 Delta Freeware BETA release v1.0. Thesequal to "NeckDeep". Includes E2M1 andE2M2 BETA versions.
DETHTAG.ZIP 285,886 09-27-95 DeathTAG - Totally new team game that workswithin Doom II's current architecture.Requires that a team score 5 points (scoreis tallied WITHIN the map), and once a teamscores 5 points, you can exit or reset thelevel and
DEUOS253.ZIP 149,764 08-28-95 Doom Editor Utility v5.3 beta 9 Release 1.0for OS/2 2.1+ and above. Edit WAD files forDoom, Doom II and Heretic.
DHE30A.ZIP 116,343 09-05-95 DeHackEd v3.0a. Best Doom editor available!Improvements include Ultimate Doom support,along with cheat code, code pointer andother misc data editing, along withnumerous other improvements.
DKMAT.ZIP 55,146 08-01-95 DarkMatch DeathMatch for Doom and ultimateDoom.
DM2EDIT.ZIP 485,219 08-14-95 Doom II Savegame Editor for Windows. Easilyedit maximum values for weapons, ammo,keys, God mode and full area map. Completeinstallation files.
DMBEACON.ZIP 51,388 09-12-95 DeathMatch arena with a gimmic. Largebeacon in the SW corner that lights up whenanyone attempts to get the BFG.
DMCAD61.ZIP 696,377 07-20-95 DoomCAD v6.1 Beta. Doom, Doom 2 and Hereticlevel editor. All new interface andIntegrity Checker. 3D preview, PrefabConstruction, etc.
DMCOMP.ZIP 36,463 07-25-95 The Doom Compound! For Doom v1.2. ReplacesEpisode 2 Mission 1.
DMN2_11.ZIP 93,457 08-07-95 Ultimate Blood Patch II v1.1. Additionsnever before seen! Everything bleeds oncontact! Complete color changes for nearlyall monsters, objects and animations!
DMTOON10.ZIP 279,402 09-11-95 Give Doom II cartoony sound effects!
DNA_TECH.ZIP 164,396 08-31-95 DNA technology laboratory for Doom II.Single Player Level Info: Here is a levelbased on an, admittedly often used idea,that of mutatory genetic experimentsresulting in the production of hideousmonsters who get loose.
DOOM3TRN.ZIP 13,080 07-25-95 The Ultimate Doom v1.9 Extended Trainer.
DOOMCD.ZIP 405,767 08-30-95 1001 Nights of Doom Part II Demo! This is athe actual shell program and editor takenstraight from the 1001 Nights of DoomCD-ROM! It includes a files.bbs listing ofevery file on the CD.
DOOMTRTH.ZIP 67,952 07-26-95 The truth behind Doom and Doom II!
DOOMWOOD.ZIP 47,059 08-24-95 New "graphic change" file for Doom. Turnsyour fists into a big piece of wood thatyou whack the guys upside the head with.
DRDCORTY.ZIP 109,251 07-04-95 Courtyard of Death. Doom II DeathMatch.Small level. Plenty of weapons and plentyof Action play with interestingarchitecture.
DRDETH.ZIP 35,506 07-31-95 DeathMatch WAD for Map 01 of Doom2.Contains "4" fragging areas each easilyidentified by the textures. Lots a tricksand traps.
DWANGO5.ZIP 716,086 07-19-95 24 all-new action-packed levels, an awes isalso part of this set.
DWELLR09.ZIP 16,814 08-15-95 The Dweller in the Cellar. Deathmatch. Map09.
DWELLR10.ZIP 17,349 08-15-95 The Dweller in the Cellar. Deathmatch. Map10.
DWELLR11.ZIP 14,907 08-15-95 The Dweller in the Cellar. Deathmatch. Map11.
ELITE11.ZIP 93,604 07-12-95 Elite v1.1. Great Doom II DeathMatch WAD.
FEAST.ZIP 27,107 07-30-95 Geat DeathMatch or single player WAD.Contains never before attempted originalmaterial.
FINALV1.ZIP 161,081 08-12-95 Final Sacrifice WAD for Doom ][! IncludesNew Graphics, Sounds, Music, and also aDeHackEd Patch.
FRAGALOT.ZIP 16,088 08-07-95 Very well designed deathmatch WAD for Doom2.
GAMELINK.ZIP 154,235 08-17-95 Complete 4 player Doom Guide. ModemGamelink Guide will save you hours ofonline time. How to set up and use the BBS.
GEHENNA.ZIP 460,093 08-31-95 Gehenna - Doom II Single Player. 5 Newlevels for Doom II.
GENOCIDE.ZIP 221,340 07-11-95 Genocide - Doom ][ WAD recommended forsingle player games, but DeathMatch andCooperative (2-4 players) is available.
GENWAD10.ZIP 123,434 09-24-95 GenWAD v1.6. Create thousands of levels,each tailored to suit your idea of aperfect level, simply by adjusting theconfiguration file.
GGSEWERS.ZIP 92,656 07-26-95 Great DeathMatch for Doom ][! Sewers of theGreen Goblin will bring HOURS of DMEntertainment.
GLENN2A.ZIP 31,946 08-25-95 This is an update to my prviously uploadeddoom level. I hope this one has all of thebugs fixed.
IDBEST3.ZIP 34,324 07-18-95 Collection of other WADs specifically forDeathmatch.
IMUSTKIL.ZIP 20,149 08-23-95 Good deathmatch wad for Doom II.
INTHEJON.ZIP 19,411 08-21-95 DeathMatch WAD where you fight in abathroom.
JN4B.ZIP 39,876 07-29-95 Deathmatch WAD for Doom2.
JWAD.ZIP 18,350 07-06-95 Large level for Doom 2 has many crossingcorridors filled with monsters. The actionstarts here pretty quickly, so be preparedor you will die in just a few seconds.
KRONIN.ZIP 495,845 09-03-95 Kronin - Doom II Single/Co-op. BIG wad with20 new sounds.
LOSTBAS.ZIP 43,788 09-04-95 If you have beat level 30 on DoomII withease then go ahead! Try to beat it now!Very tough but can be won without any cheatcodes.
MAC10.ZIP 16,939 07-11-95 Turn your pistol into a Mac-10.
MADNESS.ZIP 331,209 08-13-95 The Madness of Mergatroid. Very complexepisode good enough to be in the originalgame.
MARINA1.ZIP 303,089 07-03-95 Great Doom 2 PWAD for DeathMatch. Two typesof combat. One is by land. The other is bywater.
MATLOCK.ZIP 37,874 07-23-95 Deathmatch level for Doom 2.
MATLOCK3.ZIP 20,355 08-03-95 Matlock 3 DeathMatch for Doom 2.
MATLOCK4.ZIP 12,225 08-14-95 Matlock 4 DeathMatch for Doom 2.
MATLOCK5.ZIP 25,553 08-24-95 Matlock 5 DeathMatch for Doom 2.
MATLOCKS.ZIP 66,145 07-29-95 Matlock 1 & 2: Hell on Andy Griffith!
MIKE1.ZIP 87,418 07-04-95 Doom II level. Very large traditionallevel, made for single player ordeathmatch. The key is Ultimate Killing.
MKLIGHT.ZIP 111,837 08-10-95 MKLight for Doom and Doom II. Get the edgeon your opponent in DeathMatch by wearingthis permanent Light Amplification Visor.The other guy will never know you've got it.
MLSLAVE.ZIP 125,396 07-24-95 Slaves of Hell. New "id quality" level forDoom II! You're vacationing on Mars, on theShores of Hell, when you realize that aCyberdemon Lord is conducting experimentsin an old UAC base to the north.
MMATLOCK.ZIP 267,148 09-03-95 Mega Matlock collection of MatlockDeathMatch WADs.
MUS_S.ZIP 37,933 07-23-95 Bunch of mus's for use with Dmmusic.exe forDoom music changing.
NEWDEU2.ZIP 103,295 07-23-95 Fix for DEU2 for Doom II that can use thenew floor/ceiling textures.
NEWMISTD.ZIP 264,964 08-20-95 NewMistd Doom 2 Multi-player WAD!DeathMatch made espicially for excitingnon-stop action of modem and newtworkmulti-player deathmatch games! Lots of NEWmusic, graphics, and sound effects.
OCTAHATE.ZIP 40,805 08-03-95 Octagon of Hate! For all levels of play.Designed for Single Player and Co-op, thisstomach-churning level is filled withdevious traps and nasty monsters.
ODDITIES.ZIP 10,791 07-19-95 Doom 2 WAD for coop and for DeathMatch.
ORIGDETH.ZIP 185,807 07-30-95 Original DeathMatch Revisted.
PARASITE.ZIP 16,579 07-01-95 Deathmatch for Doom II played a great dealon DWANGO here on the West Coast.
PARDISE2.ZIP 467,546 08-24-95 An incredible Doom II pwad allows you toplay the part of MTV's Butt-Head. Great funtime.
PARDISE3.ZIP 475,879 08-24-95 Sequel to Pardise 2. Huge PWAD for Doom II.Great sounds from the movie The Evil Dead.
PRF_002C.ZIP 17,020 08-09-95 Doom II - Deathmatch.
PRF_003C.ZIP 14,256 08-12-95 Doom II - Deathmatch.
PRF_004A.ZIP 13,753 08-13-95 Doom II - Deathmatch.
PRF_005A.ZIP 10,519 08-13-95 Doom II - Deathmatch.
QUANTUM1.ZIP 56,386 08-01-95 Doom II wad is a colony that has been takenover by id Software demons. Your job is tosurvive!
RIVALRY.ZIP 16,830 08-02-95 Rivalry! Great new level for Doom. Thebatttle between Trooper and Sarge!
SARGE12.ZIP 19,795 08-27-95 Doom & Heretic utility that randomlychanges most items to the most "human"enemies available.
SEE_YA.ZIP 3,940 08-03-95 Big room filled with lots of toughmonsters. I have given you the bfg and lotsof ammo but you might need codes also.
SER7.ZIP 225,969 07-27-95 Doom & Doom II serial utility.
SIMCOL2.ZIP 69,472 08-01-95 Great PWAD colection for all of youDeathMatch freaks out there. TotallySimetrical Death Match levels loaded withweapons for all you frag lovers.
SKULHALL.ZIP 77,843 08-20-95 Doom I PWAD - Skull Hall - E2M1 Level.Marine Sparks has been sent back in time bythe UAC Time Brigade, much against hiswill. Help him get back to his own era!
SOUL_KT.ZIP 105,012 07-31-95 Designed for DeathMatching for Doom andDoom2.
SS_4PLYR.ZIP 74,287 08-24-95 5 room DeathMatch WAD for Doom II. Some newsounds.
ST2_115A.ZIP 89,350 07-28-95 Doom, Doom II, Heretic Multiplayer GameSetup Program v1.15a. Multiplayer gamefront end for all of id's games. Features:Chat mode for modem play, uses ALL ofDoom's command Line options, easy to use,and more!
STHENGE.ZIP 24,591 08-21-95 All out blastfest on Stonehenge!
STYLER.ZIP 18,557 07-10-95 Deathmatch level for Doom or Doom II. Lotsof sniper positions, sneaky tricks anddeath traps, all the guns, all the ammo, aCyber Demon and a Spider Demon.
SUPTRP.ZIP 18,785 07-06-95 Dehacked file that makes the troopers actand fight like ghosts from Hell.
SUPWEPND.ZIP 18,780 08-24-95 Patch file will change your rocket launcherto shoot barrels with twice as much power,and the plasma rifle shoots lost souls.
UL202.ZIP 180,163 07-19-95 The Ultimate Launcher For Doom(II) &Heretic! Menu-driven access to all gameoptions! Fully supports multi-player games!WADs are ZIPed until needed! Handles over8000 WAD files per game!
ULTMATCH.ZIP 362,401 09-09-95 15 awesome DeathMatch WADs with some newsounds.
UNHOLY01.ZIP 68,293 08-02-95 The Unholy Series - The Entryway. Level onereplacement for registered version of DoomII: Hell on Earth. Supports Single/Multi/DM.
WARLORD.ZIP 125,987 08-05-95 Deathmatch for Doom II. Plenty of weaponsand great fragability. Good looking designwith interesting architecture.
WARZONE.ZIP 16,389 08-25-95 Warzone for Doom II. Fight in a huge areanaagainst hundreds of meanies and 3 icons ofsin!
WAUTHOR.ZIP 949,299 07-17-95 WADAuthor: Win16/Win32 Doom/Heretic WADediting with tons of features in a stableenvironment. Detailed help with tutorialand more!
WEAPONS.ZIP 7,966 08-16-95 Possessed Weapons Dehacked patch for Doom2. Changes some of the monsters intocommon, ordinary, household weapons!Sergeant, Archvile and most ordinarymonsters have been changed, three SKILLSprovided.
X_DOVE.ZIP 87,424 08-18-95 Single Player, Just Try It! No Story.
YEE_HAW.ZIP 18,142 08-02-95 Small WAD created using DCK. Has a fewsecret areas and quite a few demons.